The church of Quicavi

Thanks to the FAU elective course, "Chiloe Program: Territory, Landscape and Culture of the Archipelago", I was able to get to know the church of Quicavi, which we are now studying. We went at the end of October with the majority of the course, for 5 days, in that time we knew a lot of churches of the archipelago but the one I liked the most was the church of Quicavi. In the church we were able to see the interior, the whole structure and the carpentry joints that are found in the construction. What I liked the most were the carpentry joints because it felt like a continuation of a previous course in which we did carpentry! to identify everything and see the detail that is mahined in each part of the structure was beautiful. I would say that what makes the church of Quicavi important is the level of detail that manages the structure, created by carpenters from Chiloe, and cared for by the community it generates. Although the passage of time hit hard on the whole church, having a lot of improvised repairs. The worst of all is that the communities do not receive help to take care of the heritage, which makes the maintenance of the church is complicated, added to the fact that there are no church carpenters at present, or there are very few, so there are not many people who can make good quality repairs.My biggest wish lately is to go back soon! jajajaja.



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