
Something I like to do outdoors in cycling, what I like most is to climb the hills near where I live as Cerro El Panul and climb up to the Bahai Temple, but occasionally I go out with some friends Agustin Diaz and Demians Faundez to ride the Cerro San Cristobal or ride up to Farellones road, where once we got to be in the snow jajaja. I always rode my bike a lot since I was a kid but I started to do it more often after the pandemic with a friend, Dinko Elgueta, who had been riding since before, and in fact worked delivering food by bike jajaja. I like to do it because at the time of going down the hills is very exciting, plus I usually do it with friends, so it's always good to have an excuse to get together and share, without talking too much because it's complicated after a long time to talk and ride at the same time jajaja. Sadly because of the university I have not been able to do it much this semester to the point that I forgot when was the last time I walked a lot. Besides my friend Dinko is in Antofagasta about to graduate, my friend Agustin in Argentina on exchange and my friend Demian in Italy on exchange too, you could say that I'm alone jajajaja.


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