Long Hard Road Out of Hell

 The book "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" is a biographical book written by Brian Hugh Warner, the industrial metal singer known worldwide as "Marilyn Manson", and Neil Strauss as a ghostwriter.

I read this book during March and April 2019. I did it digitally because books are very expensive and books like this are hard to get. I found out about this book because at the time I was a big fan of Marilyn Manson as an icon of the 2000's, so in my spare time I decided to read it.  I like this book because it helps to understand how a normal person, educated in a religious school, ends up becoming the "Antichrist Superstar".

In this long journey he shows how he was abused as a child, rejected as an adolescent and rebellious as an adult. as a method to survive. He talks about how in his life he was always connected to this religious, esoteric, sadistic and immoral world, mainly because of a "gene" from his grandfather. 

He also talks about how drug use ends up almost killing him on several occasions, both by overdose and by actions such as being thrown into a pool under the effect of LSD, all this happening before and during the recordings of the album that would lead him to worldwide fame, being this "Antichrist Superstar".


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