
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

The dream of returning to Japan

 In the month of December 2018 I was lucky enough to go on a trip to Japan for 21 days, it was the dream of me and my siblings, Sasha and Titi, and thanks to the savings of my older brother we were able to achieve. We arrived in Japan after an extensive trip of more than a day with a stopover in Canada, I arrived so tired that I slept under a mattress that was on the futons jajajaja. We were staying in Tokyo and Kyoto but touring as much as possible thanks to the bullet train, by train we went to iconic cities like Nara, where the deer seemed to be dogs because they are so used to people, Hiroshima, which was too sad to go to the museum, Osaka, which was the place we liked the least jajaja, and some more that I should not remember now jajaja.   We toured all kinds of temples, climbing hills where there were even monkeys that lived with the tourists! Although we not only enjoyed the heritage sites of the country but also the current sites, we played too much in the sega machines, we wen

Long Hard Road Out of Hell

 The book "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" is a biographical book written by Brian Hugh Warner, the industrial metal singer known worldwide as "Marilyn Manson", and Neil Strauss as a ghostwriter. I read this book during March and April 2019. I did it digitally because books are very expensive and books like this are hard to get. I found out about this book because at the time I was a big fan of Marilyn Manson as an icon of the 2000's, so in my spare time I decided to read it.  I like this book because it helps to understand how a normal person, educated in a religious school, ends up becoming the "Antichrist Superstar". In this long journey he shows how he was abused as a child, rejected as an adolescent and rebellious as an adult. as a method to survive. He talks about how in his life he was always connected to this religious, esoteric, sadistic and immoral world, mainly because of a "gene" from his grandfather.  He also talks about how drug use